buber.net > Basque > Surname > C > Curutchet
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There is a CURUTCHETA, in Cisse (Basse Navarre), but this form Curutchet is
very usual in many parts of the French-Basque Country. Basse Navarre:
Amendeuix, Armendarits, Arnegui, Baigorry, Banca,Bustice, St,Just Ibarre,
St Jean le Vieux, Dinibane-Garazi etc etc...
MEANING: GURUTZ or KURUTZ means Cross, and ETA is a sufix that means
plurality, but in toponomims can be also Place, so the meaning is (The
house in) the place of the crosses
Coat of arms: Cuartelado: 1=BA y 4=BA en plata un arbol de sinople; 2=BA y=
3=BA en
azur tres veneras de plata puestas en triangulo.
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Eskerrik asko!