buber.net > Basque > Surname > E > Ecenarro
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The Origin of this surname is a baserri or farm with this name in
Zestoa (Gip), with a branche in Aizarna (also in Zestoa), Mitxelena says
that the meaning is "Gully of the bulls" and it comes from ZEZEN:Bull,
ARRO: Gully (it is difficult to know what exactly means).
Proves of Nobility: Elgoibar 1628,Donostia 1628, Eibar 1728, Alegria de
Oria 1667,Getaria 1776, Bilbao 1693 & 1803
This proofs of nobility were required when somebody wants to live in a
Town, or when somebody were elected for a public job or duty, The proof
only consist in demostrate than your family was originary of the basque
Country, when basques go to live to Spain the proof were useful because the
nobility give them special rights (no to pay taxes, acces to officiality in
the army, etc), in any case that shows that in that years there were people
with this surname living in this Towns.
Coat of arms: I dont believe on them. but if you like, there are two one
belongs of the house of Zestoa, and the other to Aizarna,s
This page is part of Buber's Basque Page and is maintained by Blas Uberuaga.
Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!