buber.net > Basque > Surname > E > Echenagucias (echenagucia, Etxenaguzia)
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Echenagucias (echenagucia, Etxenaguzia)
ECHENAGUCIAS (Echenagucia, Etxenaguzia)
This surname is originally of Ondarribia-Fuenterrab�a, Guipuzcoa and it
is a variation of ECHENAGUSIA.
It means the main house or the most important house (the principal
house). This is from "Etxe" (house) and "Nagusi" (principal, major,
important) and the article "a" (the).
As you requested information pertaining to San Sebastian and their was
no coat of arms for that particular region - here is the oldest coat:
The arms are cut in half horizontally. On the top half is a field of
green, a silver tower and a golden lion leaning on the side of the tower
with its front paws (standing on its hind legs). The bottom half is a
field of gold. On it is a green tree and a black wolf (in the same
posture as the lion). The whole shield is bordered in blue with 10 gold
"aspas" (symbol like an "x").
This page is part of Buber's Basque Page and is maintained by Blas Uberuaga.
Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!