buber.net > Basque > Surname > E > Egues
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EGUES You are right wen you say that the family was originated near
Pamplona (Irunea in basque), very close to Pamplona (East) there is a
village named Egues, with a river with the same name. The origin of the
surname is the Palace of Egues (1265), this palace is called Txarlesena
(The one of Txarles), so probably there were between your ancestors a man
named Txarles Egues who built the Palace. There are branches of this family
in Tudela (South of Navarra),Puentelarreina, and Huarte in Navarra, and
also in Gipuzkoa in a village named Berrobi, and in Bilbao(1827).
Nobility: There was an Egues Knight of Santiago in 1627, and others, knigts
of Calatrava in 1612,1639, and 1662.
Meaning: Unknown, I have read some theorys, but they dont seem to be very
right, Lopez-Mendizabal says that the meaning can be Place of Ferns (I dont
think so)
Coat of arms: I have found 5 different coats
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Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!