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buber.net > Basque > Surname > E > Egure (eguren / Eguiguren)
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Egure (eguren / Eguiguren)


EGURE is most likely a shortened form of one of a multitude of names with the EGUR root (egur means "le�a" or kindling). As with most Basque surnames, the meaning of the names are derrived from the geographical locations and or the surroundings of the original family home. So, in the case of the names beginning with Egur, they were homes near areas where kindling wood could be found (the suffix mostly denote more specifics like "mount where the kindling was found" or "abundance of kindling" and so forth, Here is a description of EGUREN or EGUIGUREN - I selected it because it is the most comprehensive of the entries:

Found in Bilbao (1798), and in Bergara (1599). In Mondrag�n (1740, Elorrio (1712) and in Valladolid (1794).

The first coat of arms mentioned is for Eibar: on a field of gold, a green oak tree with two black wolves on their hind legs leaning on the trunk of the tree with their front legs. Coming out of the top of the tree is an armoured forearm (silver) with a drawn sword of the same metal (silver, also) in the hand.

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Eskerrik asko!