buber.net > Basque > Surname > E > Elgezabal
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ELGEZABAL This surname is tipical from BIZKAIA, There are baserriak (farm
or houses) with this name in Amorebieta, Muxika, and Mungia (in Mungia, the
farm is located in the quarter of Elguezabal), I know an old family from
Durango with this surname.
Meaning: ELGE means:Cultivated field or field for cultive (not for
pasture), and ZABAL: broad, wide, big...,
Proves of Nobility: Bilbao 1735. a man surnamed Elgezabal was "Escribano Real"
Coats: there are 3 coats.............are you interested?
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Eskerrik asko!