buber.net > Basque > Surname > E > Elizalde
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ELIZALDE This surname is easy to translate. From the Diccionario
Onomastico y Heraldico, Tome III (J. Kerexeta):
Elizalde: In Gipuzkoa: in the barrio of Iturrioz (Oiarzun), Ugasua
(Eskoriaza), Larraul (Asteasu), Idiazabal, Berrobi, Azpeitia, Andoain,
Elduaien, Getaria.
In Bizkaia: in Arratia, Axpe (Atxondo), and Elorrio
In Nabarra: many
The meaning is to the side of the church (eliza=church and alde=to the
In Bizkaia, the form of the word for church is Eleixa or Elexa, and the
Bizkaian caserios are Elexalde, Elejalde, and not Elizalde. So, this suggests
Gipuzkoa. Looking for caserios, there are none in Bizkaia and 13 or 14 in
Gipuzkoa. Detailed information from Nabarra and Laburdi was not
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