buber.net > Basque > Surname > E > Errazti
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ERRAZTI this surname was originated in Gipuzkoa, there are baserriak with
this name in Azpeitia, quarter Aratz-erreka (Errasti-baso),in Azkoitia
(quarter of Ormaola-mendi), 2 In Itsaso (Errasti and Errasti Iraeta), in
Aretxabaleta, and in Urrestilla. Then there are two houses Errastikua in
Araotz(Oinate) and Bedona (Arrasate), and other Errastiola in Nuarbe
Is documented than a man named Pedro Pablo Errazti lived in Azpeitia in
1446, and Juan Ignacio Errasti proved his nobility in Zumaia in 1758.
Domingo Errazti, son of Pedro Pablo was very famous as one of the leaders
of the conquest of Granada (1492).
Coat of arms: Partido, 1st en plata, una banda de gules acompaniada de dos
arboles de sinople, con un lobo de sable herido y empinado en su tronco. 2nd
En oro un hombre armado con una espada desnuda en una mano y una cabeza de
moro con turbante en la otra. En el jefe una cruz llana de gules
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Eskerrik asko!