buber.net > Basque > Surname > E > Errea
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ERREA The origin is located in Errea , a little village in Navarre, North
west from Pamplona, there was a Palace-House in Zilbeti (also navarre), of
the lineage, there were branches of the family in Eugi and Usetxi
(navarre), and also in Madrid and cordoba (Spain).
The meaning is "FLAMED", probably flamed house.
Coat of arms: The houses of Errea and Zilbeti: In a Gold field, a green
tree, with a black wild boar, walking in the foot of the log (sorry but I
don't know to translate properly heraldic terms). The house of usetxi have
a different coat.
Margaret Errea, ladykhorn@hotmail.com
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Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!