buber.net > Basque > Surname > E > Ertze
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ERTZE Jaime Kerexeta says in his Diccionario Onomastico y Heraldico, that
the origin of this surname is the village named ERZE and located in "La
There are families with this surname ERCE in: Bizkaia: Bilbao, Lekeitio;
Gipuzkoa: Bergara, Donostia; Nabarra: Allo (documented 1891), there are
also HERCE, in Bilbao 1745; Araba: Dulantzi; Giupuzkoa: Donostia, Eibar,
Andoain.; Nabarra: Artajona, Irunea, Cadreita, Olite(XVIII)
Meaning: can be border,edge, bank, shore,
Coat of arms: En gules un leon rampante de oro, Bordura almenada de ocho
piezas de oro (there are other two coats)
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