buber.net > Basque > Surname > E > Etura
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Hi, This surname is not rated in the books I have about basque surnames,
there is a surname ETURA, and other surname ASPE, so I think that your
surname is formed by two surnames together, we use two surnames after the
christian name, first surname is our father's one, and second surname is
our mother's, for instance, my name is Xabier Ormaetxea Garai, although
sometimes I only write xabier Ormaetxea. I know that some basques when
arrive to USA didn't want to lose their second surname, so they write
together both surnames, perhaps I am mistaked, but in this case your
surname was originally ETURA (of course I cannot be sure of that)
ETURA Original from Etura in the basque province of Araba, then it passed
to Elgeta in Gipuzkoa in the XVI century, Lope de Etura lived in the house
Saribiarte in the Valey of Leniz (Gipuzkoa), and proved his nobility in
Aretxabaleta (Gipuzkoa) in 1568, then Martin Etura proved his nobility in
Elgeta in 1609.
( to prove nobility was only necesary to prove to be basque, and it sereve
to obtain permission to live in a Town or to have public jobs, not to pay
taxes etc..).
Meaning: Fountain or springs (sic, Philippe Oyhanburu)
Today there are families with the name Etura in: Etura (Araba), Vitoria
(Araba), Bilbao (Bizkaia), Andoain, Aretxabaleta, Donostia, Elgeta,
Hondarrabia, and Orio (Gipuzkoa)
ASPE or AXPE: I think you can find in the list of surnames already researched
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Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!