buber.net > Basque > Surname > E > Echaurren (etxaurren)
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ECHAURREN (Etxaurren) The meaning of this surname is ETXE or Etxa: House,
AURREN: can be "in front of", or also can be "before", es decir el
significado seria "La casa de la parte delantera" o "la casa en frente de
otra casa". jaime Kerexta says: In Gipuzkoa and Argentina, but In Araba,
in the village of Quejana or Kexana, there are a place named Echauren, and
Kerexeta says that Echauren is probably a variation of Etxaurren.
Oyhanburu says that, there are families Echaurren in Araba: Amurrio,
Argentina and Chile (this last documented in the XIX).
There is a variation of Echaurren, Chaurren, documented in Araba (Menoio)
in 1560
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Eskerrik asko!