buber.net > Basque > Surname > E > Etxebarne
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ETXEBARNE Echevarne, The origin of this surname is Bustince (Valey of
Cissa-Zize) in Behenabarra, Behenabarra is a French Basque Province and
Donibane Garazi (St.Jean de Pied de...) is the main town. There is a
branche of this family in Peralta (Nabarra).
Meaning: ETXE means House, and BARNE means something like Down border,
Inside land, ravine....or something simmilar.
Coat of arms: There are two, I transcribe the first one: En sinople una
torre almenada de plata, y en sus almenas un hombre armado, de plata, con
una espada desnuda en la mano.
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Eskerrik asko!