buber.net > Basque > Surname > E > Etxegarai (etchegarai)
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ETXEGARAI (Etchegarai) the form you wrote your surname is tipical from the
French basque Country, in the south the normal spell is Echegarai, and with
the modern ortographic rules of the basque language, the proper spell is
The meaning is ETXE: House, GARAI: High part, so, the meaning is "the house
in the high part".
This surname is very common in the Whole Basque country, but the houses
with this name are in Gipuzkoa, Nabarra and in Benabarra. In Benabarra
there are two houses in Eleta (Arberoa) and Baigorri. In St Jean de Luz
(Donibane Lohitzun) is documented since 1773, Hazparren 1713,Itsasu 1645,
but is difficult to find a village in the North basque Country without
Etchegaray families living on it.
The Cardinal Roger Etchegaray is famous and a very important one, but he
haven't done many for our culture, What a pitty.
This page is part of Buber's Basque Page and is maintained by Blas Uberuaga.
Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!