buber.net > Basque > Surname > E > Etchegorry (etxegorri)
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ETCHEGORRY (Etxegorri) Etxe means House, and Gorri means Red, so the
meaning is "The red house", the form "Etche" is tipical of The French
Basque Country, in the south is "Eche", and with the basque modern
ortography is etxe.
There are (or were) Families with this surname in: BENABARRA: St. Martin
D'Arberue, Meharin, Osses 1683. LABURDI: Anglet Biarritz, Espelette, Kanbo.
ZUBEROA: Eskiula.
There are a lot of families in BEARN: Billere, Pau, Gelos,
Geronce,Oloron.....also in Gascogne, Toulouse and Paris. In South America:
Argentina and Uruguay
ETXEGORRI (Etchegorry): The meaning is "the red house". There are branches
in Argentina (Etchegorry) and Uruguay (Echegorri).
There are families with this surname in: Behenabarra: Donam. Mehai. ;
Laburdi: Anglet, Biarritz, Ezpelette, Canbo,; Xiberua: Eskiula. ; Bearn:
Billere, Gelos, Geronce, Oloron, Pau, Val du gave D'aspe. ; Gascogne Mnt,
de Marsan
This page is part of Buber's Basque Page and is maintained by Blas Uberuaga.
Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!