buber.net > Basque > Surname > E > Etxenike
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ETXENIKE The origin of this surname can be the Baztan Valey, , There is a Palace with this name in Yaruil (Errazu, Baztan), with branches in Azpilikueta and Arizkun (Baztan), and Bera de Bidasoa, and also in Chili. The meaning is not clear, the first part is ETXE, that means House, but the meaning of the NIKE is discused, there are authors that think is the same that the lathin sufix ICUS (Dominus...Dominicus), but there is not any definitive about it. Proves of Nobility: In Donostia 1807. a knight of Santiago in 1706 and 1764, a knight of Alcantara in 1788, and a knight of Carlos III in 1807
ETXENIKE There is a palace with this name in Yaruil (in Errazu, Baztan), and houses in Azpilikueta and Arizkun (Baztan), and other house in Bera (all in Nabarra), there is a branch in Chili, Argentina, Mexico, Peru and Uruguay Proves of nobility: In Donostia 1807, Knight of Santiago in 1706 and 1764, Knight of Alcantara in 1788, Knight of Carlos III in 1807 Coat of arms: There are 3, of the houses of Yaruil, Arizkun, and Azpilikueta, if you are interested I'll transcribe any of them. Meaning: there are various theories, but I think the most acepted is "The house on the slope" There are Etxenike families in the whole South Basque country, but most of them in Nabarra. (There is documented an Etxenique in Benabarra in 1435 (Arberatze) ETXENIKE: There is a palace with this name in Yaruil (in Errazu, Baztan), and houses in Azpilikueta and Arizkun (Baztan), and other house in Bera (all in Nabarra), there is a branch in Chili, Argentina, Mexico, Peru and Uruguay Proves of nobility: In Donostia 1807, Knight of Santiago in 1706 and 1764, Knight of Alcantara in 1788, Knight of Carlos III in 1807 Coat of arms: There are 3, of the houses of Yaruil, Arizkun, and Azpilikueta, if you are interested I'll transcribe any of them. Meaning: there are various theories, but I think the most acepted is "The house on the slope" There are Etxenike families in the whole South Basque country, but most of them in Nabarra. (There is documented an Etxenique in Benabarra in 1435 (Arberatze)