buber.net > Basque > Surname > F > Foruria
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FORURIA The origin of this surname is FORUA, a little village near
Gernika, there exist 4 baserriak or farms with this name in Forua (Foruria
beazkoa, Foruria kalzadakoa, Foruria Goikoa, and Foruria Goxeazkoa), I
think that the meaning is FORUA (the village) and URIA: Town or group of
houses. The meaning of Forua is not very clear but probably comes from the
Lathin word:Forum and in this case means "Market place"
Coat of Arms: En oro tres cabezas de moro con turbantes y degolladas,
surmontadas de un creciente de gules.
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Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!