buber.net > Basque > Surname > G > Gerrikabeitia
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GERRIKABEITIA The origin of this surname is the name of a house or farm
(baserria) located in a little village named Arbazegi, the meaning is The
Downer House Gerrika , that is because there is other house named
Gerrikagoitia that means The Upper house Gerrika, so its clear that BEITIA
means Down, and GOITIA means Up, now let's go with the real name of the
house: GERRIKA, some authors think that Gerrika is the same than KARRIKA,
and the meaning is street or way, other posibility is to translate it by
stony slope, there are more theories, but I think these are the betters .
Coat of arms: En gules una cruz potenzada de oro (in red field a gold
cross, with it's branches finished in T).
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Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!