buber.net > Basque > Surname > G > Gorostiaga
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Gorostiaga comes from gorosti (holly tree) and
aga (place), giving holly tree place
or hollywood.
History and Locality
There are caserios with this name in Bedarona (municipality of Ea), Nabarniz, Murelaga, and
Zeanuri. Your family could come from Bedarona or Nabarniz, since both are close to the area of Lekeitio-
Markina, although I am inclined towards Bedarona since your ancestor Rosa Gorostiaga was from Ibarrangelua
which is closer to Bedarona, although Nabarniz is not far. In 1704 a Martin Gorostiaga lived in the caserio
Gorostiaga of Bedarona, in 1745 the family of Manuel Gorostiaga lived in the caserio Ubillaga of Bedarona, but
by 1796 no Gorostiagas are found in neither Bedarona nor Ibarrangelua.
Coat of Arms
En azur, una banda de oro, engolada en cabezas de dragones del mismo metal y acompanada de dos
calderas de sable, perfiladas de oro, una a cada lado.
This page is part of Buber's Basque Page and is maintained by Blas Uberuaga.
Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!