buber.net > Basque > Surname > G > Gorriaran
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The origin is Gipuzkoa, there are baserriak or farms with this
name in Donostia (quarter of Altza) and 2 in Aia (quarter of Iruretaegia).
Juan Gorriaran lived in Azkoitia in 1670, and Pedro Gorriaran in Zarautz
1760. There were another branche of this family in the "Aiala Valley" in
Araba since 1788.
The meaning is GORRI: red and ARAN: Valley, so can be Red Valley
Coat of arms: (sic) tronchado 1st en gules con una torre de plata, 2nd en
oro, un grifo (mitologic animal) de gules
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Eskerrik asko!