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buber.net > Basque > Surname > G > Gorrindo
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GORRINDO In the books about Basque surnames that I have, there are few about the Surname Gorrindo,

Coat of Arms: En gules, sembrado de veneras de plata Jaime Kerexeta in his Diccionario Onomastico y Heraldico only speaks about a family Gorrindo in Argentina.

Meaning: Gorrindo probably comes from GORRI-ONDO, or from GORO-ONDO, Ondo means "Close to" and Gorri means red, but also can be "place without vegetation" or "dry place",

The only documented Gorrindo family, that I have found is located in Isaba in 1909, I suposse is your family, I think, that yours is the only Gorrindo Family that exists, because in the Telephone books of the basque Country there is not Gorrindo s (I have read this in the book of Philippe Oyhamburu)

Oriol Garcia Marl�s writes:

Una bisabuela m�a se llamaba Serafina Fern�ndez GORRINDO y vivi� en Cascante (Navarra), cerca de Tudela. S�lo quer�a comentarte que quiz� el apellido venga de Navarra. En las p�ginas amarillas he encontrado 17 personas con Gorrindo como primer apellido en Navarra (sobretodo en Cascante).

De todas formas est� claro que las propuestas que sugieres que Gorrindo provenga de GORRI-ONDO o GORO-ONDO son m�s que acertadas, dado que los actuales territorios de Euskal Herria y Navarra han tenido desde siempre una intens�sima relaci�n en muchos sentidos.

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Eskerrik asko!