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buber.net > Basque > Surname > G > Goyenetche
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Other spellings of this surname include Goienetche and Goienetxe. It is found in Arizkun, Aspilkueta, Iruieta, Ordoki, and in the valley of Baztan. Some branches went to Elizondo, Tarazona (Zaragoza), Velez-M�laga, and Peru. In Larabezua, Ustaritz, and Argentina it is also known as Gojeneche.

This name means the house on the hill, mountain top, or pinnacle. Being a superlative it indicates the highest point around. The word Goyen is the superlative of Goi (meaning the one on top or the highest one). Exte is house.

The arms are a checkered shield of silver and black (10 squares of each color). Another version includes the same type background with squares of red and silver (15 squares of each color). Others add to this second design a silver border.

Debbie Rogers sends this additional information:
I have been in contact with people in Spain and have received my ancestral report taking the Goyeneche (de Goyeneche) name back to pre-1700. My Great Great Grandfather, Santiago Francisco De Goyeneche Urrutia (1786-1845) from Garzain, Spain (Valle de Baaztan) Casa de Goyenechea, barrio de Aristegui, married and raised a family in Alamos, Sonora Mexico. He died and is buried in Alamos. I just thought I would let you know about another spelling of the name and another country of migration.

This page is part of Buber's Basque Page and is maintained by Blas Uberuaga.
Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!