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buber.net > Basque > Surname > G > Gurmendi
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by Alfredo Gurmendi

The Gurmendi Family�s Code of Arms


�In a Field of �Gules� (red background), three golden mountain peeks are surmounted by a silver comet, this has its tail inclined directly on the lower part of the highest peek and accompanied by a silver star with 10 rays, and all are in a red field, as described by Garci Alonso de Torres, Subscriber of the Catholic Kings Don Fernando and Do�a Isabel and the Emperor Don Carlos V, in his book of blazons, folio 199, San Sebasti�n, Spain (Novelty of theProvince of Guip�zcoa in Basque Country).�


After visiting, in two occasions, with Ms. Ana Mar�a Zabarte Larra�aga (May 10, 1998 and April 13, 1999) at the Local Parish of San Sebasti�n�s �Herria―Parrokia� and with my good friend Juan (Juanito) Urruty (Basque immigrant) of Grand Junction Colorado in August 15, 1980, I happen to come up with my own ETHIMOLOGY about the meaning of our last name GURMENDI. Which derives from the Basque name GURMENDIA, GUR means WOOD (le�a) and MENDIA means the mountain where you pray or the praying mountain of pines (coniferous of Zarautz, Guip�zcoa), and GURMENDI means the highest mountain peek or the highest pine praying mountain (PARAMOUNT).


Our Genealogic Tree (�Arbol Geneal�gico�) begins in San Sebasti�n (Guip�zcoa), Spain with Don Sim�n de Gurmendi, Se�or de la Casa Solar de Gurmendi, and Do�a Mar�a de Zarauz, according to the Testament of January 30, 1564, had 5 sons:


Mart�n, Jorge, Andr�s, Joanes, and Felipe de Gurmendi y Zarauz.


Don Mart�n de Gurmendi y Zarauz and Do�a Francisca de Caminos of San

Sebasti�n, first wife, married on April 16, 1587 and had 2 sons: Presbyter Gregorio and Tom�s de Gurmendi y Caminos.


Don Mart�n de Gurmendi y Zarauz with his second wife, Do�a Gracia de Subizar of Sumbilla, Navarra, had only one son.


Capitan Juan de Gurmendi y Subizar and Mariana de Urretavizqui y Macuso

had 2 sons: Presbyter Jacinto de Gurmendi y Urretavizqui, and


Maestre Bernardo de Gurmendi y Urretavizqui (10/10/1640 - 08/27/1722).Knight of the Order of Santiago immigrated to Per� in 1660.Maestre or Field Marshall of the Real Army, Knight of the Court of His Majesty King Don Felipe IV.Don Bernardo was Maestre of the Third �Mayorazgo� of the Gurmendi Family (Source: Fernando de Valle�Revista Vascongada, No. 1044, A�O XXXII, November 15, 1911, Tomo LXV, p. 413-414). We the Gurmendis of Peru and the United States are descendents of Don Bernardo and Do�a Mar�a de Ibaeta married in the City of Kings, Lima.


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