buber.net > Basque > Surname > I > Idoeta
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The meaning of Idoeta is from idoi (marsh or pool) and
eta, which is a plural but in
surnames acquires the meaning as well of zone or area,
so we are led to a swamp place. I suppose you know
the female Basque name of Idoia.
History and Locality
There are two caserios Idoeta, one in Murelaga and the other in Zenarruza-Bolibar, so you could
come from either of the two since they are towns very near each other. But, before we opted for the theory of
Nabarniz with the surname Zabala, so we are limited to Murelaga. Keep in mind that not very long ago the
people didn't move from one town to another with ease and nearly always married with people from the nearest
town. In 1704, Domingo Idoeta lived in the caserio Idoeta (Barrio de Narea) in Murelaga, in 1745 a Juan
Idoeta, and in 1796 a woman named Dominga Martiartu (could have been the widow of an Idoeta).
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Eskerrik asko!