buber.net > Basque > Surname > I > Iparagirre
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IPARAGIRRE there are houses or farms with this name in: Irun (2), Oiarzun,
Irura, Tolosa, Idiazabal, Azpeitia, Belaunza, hondarrabia, and Beasain in
Gipuzkoa, and also a branche in Elorrio (Bizkaia), and other Branche
(perhaps house) in Lesaka Nabarra. There are authors that say that one of
the houses of Irun is the original one.
Meaning: Ipar means North, but also "North Wind", and Agirre means
manifest, clear, evident, or also exposed, because of that the meaning, can
be "The house exposed to the North wind", or also "The house Agirre of the
North", There are many houses Agirre, and the sense of the name is
something like, house exposed, without trees, and in a high place, very
Today there are families with this surname in the whole Basque Country,
many of them in Navarre.
Coat of arms: There are two, but I think, that this one is the original: En
oro, una banda llena de ondas de agua de azur y plata, acompaniada de dos
sauces de sinople, uno a cada lado; empinante al troco del sauce de arriba
, un jabali de sable, y atravesado al pie del tronco del sauce de abajo,
otro jabali de sable, atado al tronco con una cadena.
This page is part of Buber's Basque Page and is maintained by Blas Uberuaga.
Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!