buber.net > Basque > Surname > I > Iriarte
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IRIARTE por toda Euskalerria, (en Bizkaia son Uriarte), casa torre muy
antigua en el Valle de la Valdorba, tambien en Barasoain, Bera, Alsasua,
Azkarate,Urriza, Alzain, Azpilikueta,Errazu,Turrillas,Auritze-Burgete,
Otxagabia, Iriz ,e Inza.
Significado: IRI se traduce generalmente por ciudad, lo que es bastante
exagerado, ya que IRI es grupo de casas, y ARTE es entre, asi que puede ser
algo asi como "entre poblados". Algun autor dice que el IRI es helechos y
Arte lugar de, pero el pobre no tiene demasiado prestigio...
Pruebas de hidalguia: Muchisimas, casi todas en Gipuzkoa
Escudos:hay bastantes...
He leido algo sobre un tal Hernando Basco, de Alsasua, al que Juan II de
Navarra (Juan de Labrit) le cambio el apellido por Iriarte
More Yriarte:
YRIARTE (IRIARTE): This surname exist in the whole Basque Country, and have
many different versions: Uriarte, Iriarte, Iriart, Yriart, Yriarte, Hiriart
but the form you wrote your Yriarte is tipical from Laburdi (the western
province of the basque-french country). There are families with this
surname in Biarritz, Bidart, Hendaia, Urruna, Ziburu, (all in Laburdi),
there are also in Gascoigne.
MEANING: IRI, means group of houses, today means Town or City, but in tha
past was a group of houses, and ARTE: means between. Basque surnames are
names of farms or houses so the meaning is: (The house) between the groups
of houses, or the house between the villages.
Jaime Kerexeta says that the origin of the surname in Laburdi, is in a
house located in a place named Larresoro (In french Larressore).
There are a lot of coat of arms of different families with this surname,
but the only one that apears for Yriarte with Y is this (I will transcribe
it in spanish): En plata, tres bocinas de sable, puestas dos y una.
This page is part of Buber's Basque Page and is maintained by Blas Uberuaga.
Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!