buber.net > Basque > Surname > I > Irigoyen (irigoien)
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IRIGOYEN (IRIGOIEN) The meaning is IRI :Town or group of houses, and
GOIEN: in the high part, so the complete meaning is: (the house) in the
higher part of the Town. In the north part of our country was not very
normal the groups of houses so IRI or URI means today city or Town, but in
the past was simply a group of houses.
There are Irigoien families in many places, but I am only to speak here
about the Irigoien families of Navarra .
In Ainoa (Urdax) with branches in Donibane-Garazi (benavarra), Sara, and
Ustariz (Laburdi), Argentina and Peru.
In Etxalar, with branches in Chili
In the quarter of Zuazoi (Azpilikueta) with branches in Azpilikueta
(Baztan) end Buenos Aires.
In Errazu, with branch in Urdax
In Lerkaroz (Baztan), Zubieta, and Zalba (Ariasgoiti)
Also in Bizkaia, and Gipuzkoa.
Coat of Arms of the House of azpilikueta: The same coat of the Baztan
valey: Ajedrezado de plata y sable.
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Eskerrik asko!