buber.net > Basque > Surname > I > Irungarai
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IRUNGARAI Kerexeta says in his books: In Sara (Laburdi), in the Baigorri
valey (Benabarra) in 1645, also in Gipuzkoa and Argentina.
Garai means: High, IRUN means the place of the Town, probably comes from
IRI UNE, Iri is Town and Une means place, in this case we cannot put
together in order to translate the two parts of the surname, IRUN is the
name of a family, and they probably made other house in a place higher than
the original, so to make different they called to the new house, the House
Irun in the High part. Althoug Kerexeta says that the origin is the Basque
French Country there are many Irungarai in the north of Nabarra (where
Amaiur is located)
Amaiur is a very simbolic place for the basques, because the last defensors
of the Independence of Navarre were refugees in the Amaiur Castle, and
there took place the last battle defending the independence.
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Eskerrik asko!