buber.net > Basque > Surname > I > Ituarte
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ITUARTE The origin of this surname are the houses ITUARTE (3) located in
XEMEIN, quarter of Atxondoa (municipality of Markina), in Bizkaia, with
branches in Gipuzkoa (XVI), Toledo (Spain) and Buenos Aires.
MEANING: the origin of the name is ITURARTE, ITUR means fountain or spring,
and ARTE means Between, so the meaning is: (The house or the place) between
the springs.
Coat of Arms: Cuartelado, 1=BA y 4=BA, en oro un lobo andante de su color
natural, lampasado de gules; medio cortados y ajedrezados de plata y azur.
2=BA y 3=BA, en gules seis estrellas de oro puestas tres dos y una, y tambi=
medio cortados de oro, con cinco panelas de sinople puestas en aspa
Places with families Ituarte: ARABA: Amurrio, BIZKAIA: Abadiano, Arrazua,
Bermeo, Berriatua, Bilbao, Gernika, Lekeitio, Markina, Ondarroa, GIPUZKOA:
Arrasate, Ataun, Donostia, Eibar, Elgoibar, Errenteria, Getaria, Lasarte,
Mutriku, Oria, Pasaia. SOUTH AMERICA: Mexico, Argentina
Ytuarte (ayoelkers@aol.com) has asked that any Ituarte/Ytuarte out there contact
him. Also, there are Ytuartes in Bizkaia, in Ibarrenguelua.
This page is part of Buber's Basque Page and is maintained by Blas Uberuaga.
Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!