buber.net > Basque > Surname > I > Iturburu
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ITURBURU Itur means fountain, and Buru means Head, but in toponims means
high part, in any case Iturburu means little river or better Flowing or
If your grandfather came from Azkarate (Ascarat) in Behenafarroa, then his
surname was ITHURBURU, (Iturburu is the spelling of this surname in the
South Basque Country). There are Ithurburu families in Laburdi and
Behenafarroa: Aiherra,Amorots, Arbouet, Azkarate, St. Jean Le Vieux, St.
Esteben, Helette, Iholdy, Isturitz, Ispoure, Mendive
Laburdi: Donibane Lohitzun, Hazparren, Cambo,
Also in Gascogne, Buenos Aires and Uruguay
Other spells for the surname depending the zone: Iturburu, Itorburu,
Uthurburu, Ithurguru.......etc.....
I have copied this information of the book about Basque surnames written by
Philippe Oyhanburu, this book (3 vols) is the best one about North-Basque
In the book of Jaime kerexeta, the author only speaks about the Iturburu
surname of the south, without any mention to the Ithurburus of the north.
There are better works about southern surnames than northern ones (I think so)
Carlos Iturburu informs me that the are also Iturburu's in Mexico.
This page is part of Buber's Basque Page and is maintained by Blas Uberuaga.
Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!