buber.net > Basque > Surname > I > Iturrioz
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ITURRIOZ There is a lot of baserriak or farms with this name,
Murelaga,Aulestia and Dima in Bizkaia, and Oiartzun,
Ikaztegieta,Aia,Leniz,Tolosa, Arama and Anzuola in Gipuzkoa, so you must
search for your gen. tree if you want to know which is your family,s origin
(it is sure that is Bizk or Gip)
Meaning: Iturrioz is a variation of Iturriotz, the meaning is very clear,
ITURRI means fountain or spring, and OTZ means COOL, so the meaning is Cool
water,s spring
Proves of Nobility:Bilbao 1767, 1833, Anzuola 1646,Isasondo 1717
,1719,Azkoitia 1623,1674,Alegria 1642,Elgoibar 1723,Hondarrabia
1746,Donostia 1748, Anoeta 1782,Eibar 1801. In 1644 a man with this surname
was named Knigth of Santiago
Coat of arms: There are four or five
This page is part of Buber's Basque Page and is maintained by Blas Uberuaga.
Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!