buber.net > Basque > Surname > K > Carranza (karranza)
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CARRANZA (KARRANZA) Carranza is a village in the West part of the province
of Bizkaia, is the bigger village of Bizkaia (though have not many
inhabitants), and this is the origin of your surname. There were other
house with this name in the Valley of Truzios (near Karranza). There has
been branches of this family in Gipuzkoa (Diego Carranza lived in Elgoibar
in 1567, Pedro Carranza y Torre in Arrasate in 1762), Navarra (Miranda de
Arga), Rioja, Santander, Castilla, Andalucia and America (Mexico XVI
century). There were knights of Santiago,Calatrava, and Alcantara, surnamed
Meaning: is not clear if is a Basque or Castilian toponim, but I think is
Basque, and derivates from CARRANTIA, KARR is HARRI: Stone or rock and
ANTIA is ANDIA:Big, so the evolution could be
Harriandia-Karriantia-Karrantia-Karrancia-Karranza......of course that is
only a theorie, that i have read in some books. There exist the surname
Coat of arms: There are a lot of Coats of Carranza, depending on the
branch, but this one is the Coat of the House of Karranza: Cuartelado,
1st.and 4th- en plata un lobo andante de sable. 2nd. and 3rd.- en sinople
una torre de plata.
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Eskerrik asko!