buber.net > Basque > Surname > L > Landaburru
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LANDABURRU Variation of LANDABURU (are you sure you have write it correctly=
In Basse Navarre the most common forms are: LANDABOURE in Osses-Ortza,
LANDABOUROU in Baigorri, LANDABURU in Ainhice,
Anhaux,Bustince-Iriberri,Uhart Mixe, Lasse, and Lekumberry.
In Laburdi there are these forms and others, and In the South Basque
Country is very Common the form LANDABURU, originated in Alava, but with
branches in all the Basque Country. When a surname is as common as this in
all the basque Provinces, is because there are various origins (houses with
the same name without relation between them), but I have not enough
information to know if they are connected or not
MEANING: LANDA means field, pasture, prairie, BURU means head, but the
sense in toponims is the high part, so the meaning is: (The house in) the
high part of the prairie
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