buber.net > Basque > Surname > L > Larriategi (larriategui)
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LARRIATEGI (Larriategui) is a variation of the surname LARREATEGI, the
only documentation about this variation is located in Eibar (Province of
Guipuzkoa) in 1625, and also exist this surname in Uruguay, in any case the
change of EA in IA is very common in some zones of the Basque Country
LARREATEGI (Larreategui): In Soraluze-Placencia, in Eibar, (Both Province
of Gipuzkoa), In Elorrio (House in the Elizburu street), in Ermua, and
Bilbao (these in the province of Bizkaia)
Meaning: Larrea means pasture, and Tegi means place, so the meaning is
place of pastures
There is a prove of nobility in Elorrio in 1628 (they were descendants of
the House of Soraluze), in San Sebastian in 1694, in Mondragon 1775, Knight
of Santiago in 1643, Knight of Alcantara in 1677
There are a lot of Coats of arms of different branches of this family
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Eskerrik asko!