buber.net > Basque > Surname > L > Latapy.
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LATAPY., is not rated in Philippe Oyhamburu's works about basque surnames
(more than 40000 surnames), there is a very common surname in Iparralde
TAPIE, is a lathin word that means "mur en pise". Other possibility about
this surname is, "escarpin, chausso...on peut penser soit a un surnom (cf.
le patronimique Francaise Chausson), soit a un artisan (faiseur de
chaussons, d'escarpins).
I suposse that LA is a prefix, an article Ex. Jacques De La Tapie...Jacques
De Latapie.....Jaques Latapie........Jaques Latapy
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Eskerrik asko!