buber.net > Basque > Surname > L > Laxague
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LAXAGUE Lasa, Latsa, or Laxa means stream or brook, AGA means Place, so
the meaning of your surname is , the house on the stream's place.
There are not as good works about northern surnames, than about southern
ones, your surname is frequent in Laburdi and behenafarroa. The older
documented existance is in AZME (behenafarroa) in 1523, and other Older De
Laxague in Baiona in 1360.
In Laburdi are families with this surname in: Anglet, baiona, Biarritz,
Donibane, Hasparren, Hiribarren, Kanbo, Lehun., Mug., and Urketa.
Kerexeta says that the origin is Benavarre ( he don't know much about
northern surnames)
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Eskerrik asko!