buber.net > Basque > Surname > L > Lekuona
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LEKUONA Lekuona means Good Place
(Leku=place, ona=good). There are
two caserios with this name in the Valley of Oiarzun (in Gipuzkoa).
They are called Lekuona Garaikoa (that of above) and Lekuona Azpikoa
(that of below). Other branches extend from there to Legazpia and other
places in Gipuzkoa. There are many proofs of nobility recorded for this
surname in Azkoitia, Oiarzun, Elgoibar, Fuenterrabia, Irun, Donostia,
Eskoriaza, Mondragon, Bilbao, in the Juntas Generales of Bizkaia and in the
Real Chancilleria of Vallodolid.
Looking in another book (also by J. Kerexeta as was the previous), we
find other caserios Lekuona in Irun (Barrio of Behobia) and in
Ondarribia (Barrio of Montania). There must have been another
house Lecunoa in Legazpia since before 1520. It is recorded that a branch
of this surname was established in Ecuador. Today, it is extended throughout
Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa. In Mungia, there is a pastry shop that is named
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Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!