buber.net > Basque > Surname > L > Leniz
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The most probable origin is that it comes from Leaniz:
lea (gravel) and the ending iz,
which indicates abundance, giving gravel place.
The two principal rivers of the area of Markina-Lekeitio are
the Artibai and the Lea, the reason why this reason is called the area of
the Lea-Artibai.
History and Locality
The only caserio Leniz that exists is in Amoroto (near Lekeitio), although in Gipuzkoa there is also a
house in the Valle de Leniz. In 1704, a Domeca Iturraran lived in the caserio of Amoroto, in 1745 a Juan
Leniz, and in 1796 a Juan Manuel Ibanez de Aldekoa. From 1745, there begins to appear Leniz in Mendeja or
Mendexa which seems to be your family branch: a Juan Leniz in the caserio Arrasate Erdikoa, and in 1796 a
Domingo Leniz in the caserio Arrasate Erdikoa and a Manuel Leniz in the caserio Beazkoa.
Coat of Arms
Those of Amoroto: En azur, un losanje de plata, cargado de dos lobos andantes, de sable, uno sobreo
otro, en los cuatro angulos del escudo una flor de lis de oro.
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Eskerrik asko!