buber.net > Basque > Surname > L > Lete
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LETE The origin of this surname is located in a place named LETE in Iza,
Navarre, there are a very big branche in Gipuzkoa and also in Benabarra
(French Basque Country).
Houses or farms in Gipuzkoa: in Beizama (quarter of Amenabar-aldea), in
Pasajes, In Zumarraga (destroyed), in Goiatz, In Garagartza-Mondragon, in
Eskoriaza, in Oiartzun(quarter Ergoien), in Azpeitia (q of Loiola)
documented since 1348, in Zumaia, in Alkiza
There are Lete families documented in Gipuzkoa since centuries, so I don't
think is clear about the origins in Navarre, sometimes the same surname can
have different origins (probably is impossible to know because baptism
records began in 1570)
Juan Lete lived in the Ugaran Valey in Arrasate in 1415, Diego Lete in
Azkoitia in 1701, Juan Bautista Lete in Antzuola in 1748, Juan Garcia de
Lete in Loiola-Azpeitia in 1348, There are Lete famili in Bilbao since
Coat of Arms: The Lete house in Navarre: En oro tres calderas de sable,
puestas en triangulo. Othere branches of the same house, and the house of
Zumarraga, Eskoriaza and Benabarra: Cuartelado, 1=BA y 4=BA, en gules dos pe=
de plata uno sobre el otro, 2=BA y 3=BA dos vacas de gules puestas tambien e=
palo. La casa de Oiarzun y Zumarraga: en azur un grifo (mitologic animal),
bordura jaquelada de oro y gules en dos ordenes. Other branches: En plata
una faja y saliendo de ella un leon de gules
Meaning: Is difficult to know, but can be swamp, or also ravine.
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Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!