buber.net > Basque > Surname > L > Licona
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According to Mitxelena's _Apellidos vascos_, `Licona', which has a
variant `Licaona', is a western Basque surname. It is one of a group
of rather mysterious surnames all ending in <-ona> and all containing
first elements of unknown origin. The <-ona> here does *not* appear
to be the obvious `good', and Mitxelena believes it to be the
same ending found in western place names, in which it becomes <-oa>
in popular Basque speech: Lejona / Leioa, Lemona / Lemoa, and so on.
Mitxelena declares that the first elements in all these names are
neither Basque nor Latin; quite possibly they come from some other
Indo-European language, but we have no information.
In `Licona', given the variant `Licaona', the first element might be
any of , , or , but no such word is known in any
Larry Trask
University of Sussex
Brighton BN1 9QH
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Eskerrik asko!