buber.net > Basque > Surname > L > Lizarzaburu
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The house LIZARZABURU, is located in a village named Lizarza (Gipuzkoa), in
the quarter of Ospela, but today this house is called Anene (the first is
egne). There is other house derivated from this in Tolosa (Gipuzkoa), Diego
Lizarzaburu born in the house of Tolosa, lived in San Sebastian in 1566. A
branche of Lizarzaburu went to Chili. In 1346 a Lizarzaburu lived in Tolosa
(may be the founder of the Lizarzaburu House of Tolosa)
The meaning is The upper house Lizarza, BURU means head but in toponims
means "the Top", The higher etc.....
Lizarza means " Ash trees place"
The original coat of arms of the Lizarza houses is: En gules, una banda de
azur y plata, acompaniada de dos torres de oro, una a cada lado, mas tarde
se anadio una bordura de plata cargada de doce caniones.
The Lizarzaburu family of Chili, has their own coat: En plata una faja de
azur, acompaniada en lo alto de una torre de gules y en lo bajo de otras
dos torres del mismo color
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Eskerrik asko!