buber.net > Basque > Surname > L > Loinaz
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LOINAZ This surname is tipical from the Province of Gipuzkoa, there are
farms or houses with this name in Errenteria, Beasain,and Azkoitia (is a
branch from the one of Beasain),
In 1628 Pedro Loinaz lived in Gatzaga, Simon Loinaz lived in San Sebastian
in 1771, and Lorenzo Loinaz lived in Aia in 1791, (all these villages are
located in Gipuzkoa). There are a lot of branches in all the basque
Country, and I have read that there are Loinaz in Cuba since 1903 (or at
least is documented that they were in Cuba in that date).
Meaning: Loi means mud or clay, and Naz is a sufix that in this case means
place, so the meaning can be Mudy place, or also (and I think this is the
correct), Clay place, or place rich in clay.
There are two coats of arms
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Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!