buber.net > Basque > Surname > M > Maestas
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Might be a variation of MAESTU or MAEZTU. There is a palace
in MAEZTU (Arraia, Alaba) with branches in other parts of
Alaba and in Nabarra. On the gates of the Church in San
Mill�n from 1025 it appears in the form BAHAHETZU.
It comes from "areitz" (meaning oak) and the suffix "tu"
(meaning abundance). So the original house was probably in
an area where there were many oak trees.
The shield is a field of blue with a diagonal stripe of gold
going from the top left corner to the bottom right corner
and on either end of the stripe is a dragon's head in silver
(actually this looks less like a dragon and more like a two
headed snake). Also, on the top part there is a "tao" (no
idea what this is) and on the bottom part a "flor de lis."
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Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!