buber.net > Basque > Surname > M > Magunagoikoetxea
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Magunagoikoetxea is a surname composed like Uriona-Goena.
goikoetxea means
the house of above (goi=above, ko=of,
etxea=casa). The meaning of maguna is more difficult.
According to Mitxelena, it could mean something like strawberry.
The ending na, which is the same as
ona and ena, means that of (the house of).
Another Interpretation seems better to me, that of agin or
agun: yew tree. But, Maguna is a barrio, so the best
Interpretation would be the house of the high of Maguna.
History and Locality
This surname proceeds without a doubt from a small town named Ibarruri (today in the municipality
of Muxica) and is fairly close to Arbazegi. In 1745, a Domingo Maguna-Goikoetxea lived in the caserio
Maguna-Goikoetxea (cofradia of San Lorenzo of Maguna). He also had another caserio named Maguna-Zelaia
in which lived his mother-in-law Maria Mugazabal. The caserios of this association were called Maguna
Goikoetxea, Maguna Burpidea, Maguna Aurrekoetxea, Maguna Zelaia, Maguna Bazterretxea, Maguna
Goxeaskoa, Maguna Bea, and Maguna Barrutia. In 1704, a Juan Goikoetxea lived in this caserio (curiously, in
the caserio Maguna Aurrekoetxea lived a man named Aurrekoetxea, etc. I don't know why, but they didn't put
the Maguna in front). In 1796, a Juan Magunagoikoetxea lived there, who also owned the caserio Errotazarra
(old mill). In the caserio Lejarzegi Ganekoa lived a Pedro Magunagoikoetxea.
Coat of Arms
En sinople, una torre de plata con un lobo de su color natural empinante a ella por su derecha, bordura
de oro con ocho aspas (sotueres) de gules.
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Eskerrik asko!