buber.net > Basque > Surname > M > Malaxetxebarria
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MALAXETXEBARRIA In Murelaga (Bizkaia) there are a quarter named Malax,
there are five houses in the place, and all of them have the name Malax,
and then other name: Malax Arteaga, Malax beitia, Malax Beitia, Malax Bena,
Malax Etxebarria. Etxebarria means the new house, so Malaxetxebarria or
Malax-Etxebarria, means the new house Malax.
Malax means: fertile place.
There is not information about coat of arms.
In 1704 there is not house Malax Etxebarria in Malax, but only a house
named Etxebarria, the owner was Juan Etxebarria, but in 1745 the house is
named Malax-Etxebarria and the owner is Juan Malax-Etxebarria.
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Eskerrik asko!