buber.net > Basque > Surname > M > Markuerkiaga (marcuerquiaga)
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Markuerkiaga (marcuerquiaga)
MARKUERKIAGA (Marcuerquiaga) Jaime kerexeta in his diccionary only says:
In Bizkaia, Composed by Marcos, christian name and Erkiaga. that is all.
O.K. let's try to find something more, because basque surnames are
generally names of houses, and there is not any house in Bizkaia with the
name Markuerkiaga.
Something is clear, Markuerkiaga is a surname of Bizkaia, and there are
families with this surname in: Durango (Marcerquiaga), Lekeitio, Ondarroa,
and in Berriatua. all in Bizkaia, there is a family in Pasajes (Gipuzkoa) ,
and there was in 1946 a family in Barcelona.
There is clear that the surname is composed by two words, MARKU is a
christian name Marcos or Marcus, and Erkiaga is a surname that means "
place wityh many shrubs" ERKI means Shrub and AGA is a sufix that in
toponims means place.
So the surname can be Marcus Erkiaga (name+surname), but also can be
Markue-Erkiaga (house Markue+house Erkiaga).
Lekeitio, Ondarroa, and Berriatua are villages close one to another, so the
origin of this surname must be in one of them probably. There is a house
named Marcue in Mendexa (village close to the other ones), and there are
houses Erkiaga in Amoroto and and Izpazter (both villages close to the
others, so it is clear than the surname was originated in the north east
coast of Bizkaia.
Can be other possibility, in Manaria (close to Durango) there are two
houses named Marcue, and in one of them lived in 1745 Miguel Urkiaga, so in
this case the surname can be MARKUEURKIAGA, in this case Urkiaga means
place of trees, I don't remember the name of the trees in english, but in
spanish is a tree named ABEDUL and in french bouleaux.
This page is part of Buber's Basque Page and is maintained by Blas Uberuaga.
Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!