buber.net > Basque > Surname > M > Martikorena
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MARTIKORENA The meaning of this surname is "The one (house) of Martiko",
and Martiko is a diminutive of Martin, so the meaning is "little Martin's
Jaime Kerexeta says that the origin of this surname is located on Errazu
(Baztan Valey), Nabarra
Coat of Arms: The house of Baztan: Jaquelado de plata y sable .Other
families: En gules, un castillo de oro con un lobo atado a su puerta.
There are families with this surname in: Benabarra: Baigorri, Urepel.
Bizkaia: Bermeo, bilbao, Galdakano, Plencia. Gipuzkoa: Beasain, Donostia,
Renteria, Hernani, irun, Lsarte, Orio, Pasaia, Usurbil. Laburdi: Ahinoa,
Askain, Biarritz, Hendaia, Urruna, Donibane, ...Nabarra: Berrioz, Betelu,
Doneztebe, Erraztu, Etxalar, Igantzi, Iesa, Iruna, Iturmendi, Lekunberri,
Olite, Tudela Uxue, Xulapain, Zizur. Also in Gascogne (France), Paris,
Argentina, Chili, Cuba and Uruguay.
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Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!