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buber.net > Basque > Surname > M > Meabe
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MEABE This surname was originated in the quarter of Meabe in the parish of Xemein (Markina), there were branches in Murelaga, and Durango (All the places in Bizkaia). From the branche of Murelaga a new branche was derivated to Palencia (Spain). There were families in Xemein with the surnames: Meabe-Ansorena, Meabe-Azkoitia,Meabe-Bazterretxea, and Meabe-Goikoetxea, perhaps this surnames were shortered to Meabe There is documented a lot of proves of nobility of this surname ( proving that someone were originary of the basque Country is enough to prove nobility). There were a man surnamed Meabe, named Knight of Santiago in 1768

Coat of arms: I will copy in spanish
Partido, 1� en gules, una banda de oro engolada en cabezas de dragones de lo mismo y atravesada por una espada desnuda de plata, que tiene en la punta una flor de lis del mismo metal; bajo la espada una cruz de Santiago de plata; 2� en plata, el arbol de Gernika (un roble) de sinople, y dos lobos de sable cebados y andantes al pie del tronco There is other coat of arms but this is prettier ( I dont believe in Coat of arms)

Maning of Meabe: May be " down of the mine" MEA or MENA means Mineral or mine, and BE means down, or under the mine

Famous people with the surname Meabe: In the first group of basque nationalist councilmen of the Town Hall of Bilbao (1898) one of them was Santiago Meabe. The founder of the Youth Organisation of the Socialist Party was Tomas Meabe (more or less 1895)

This page is part of Buber's Basque Page and is maintained by Blas Uberuaga.
Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!