buber.net > Basque > Surname > M > Mendibe
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MENDIBE There are houses or farms with this name in: BIZKAIA: Mendexa,
Xemein, Berriz, Izurza, and Markina (all in the east part of Bizkaia),
GIPUZKOA: in Eskoriaza (quarter of Zarimuz).
The meaning is: Mendi means Mountain, and BE is The down part, or the
bottom part, so the mening of Mendibe is: (The house in) the bottom part of
the mountain
Proves of Nobility: In 1712 a Mendibe was named Knight of Calatrava (he
lived in Durango,Bizkaia),
Coat of arms: The branche of Bizkaia: En Gules un lobo andante, de su color
natural, lampasado de gules.
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Eskerrik asko!