buber.net > Basque > Surname > M > Mihura
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MIHURA In Zugarramurdi and Urdax or Urdazubi (Nabarra), and in Argentina.
Mitxelena says that the mening is "muerdago", sorry but I don't know it's
translation to english, Muerdago is a vegetal that grows in the branches of
some trees, and is used in Christmas as an ornate.
There is a prove of Nobility in Bilbao , 1749, with many information about
the family (says Kerexeta)
Coat of arms (in spanish): Partido. 1,- En oro una encina de sinople y dos
jabalies de sable, pasantes al pie del tronco., 2.- En sinople, una banda
de oro engolada en cabezas de dragones, de sinople, perfiladas de oro, y en
punta ondas de agua de azur y plata.
There are many families with this name in Iparralde (more in Laburdi), but
there is not good information about basque surnames in Iparralde, so we
cannot knoe exactly if the origin is Nabarra or Iparralde.
There are a lot of Basque surnames in Andalucia, and various bulls marks
have basque names, To say today "a Mihura" in spanish is to say something
very big and difficult. For example, to answer to a note of our dear girls
(Anzi, Mila and Co.) is like to fight with a Mihura..:-)
Joxemi Sanchez sent me this additional information in March, 2019:
In the Archives of Hondarrabia, Gipuzkoa, there is a "pleito de hidalguia" where a "Martin de Miura" proves his ancestry (his grand-father, Juanicot de Miura) as coming to Hondarribia from "la cassa de Miura, cassa solar y antigua en Urdaçubi." This proof of Nobility dates back to 1645, a bit older than the one in Bilbao in 1749 mencioned [above].
This page is part of Buber's Basque Page and is maintained by Blas Uberuaga.
Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!